The report has been refreshed with new graphics, additional graphics, and content to facilitate interpreting your results.
Results will no longer be emailed; because of the additional content, we have decided that all reports should originate from the website directly. As we have always done, the report will always present in the current format, even if you took your test a decade ago.
You will still be able to print your results, and most modern browsers will allow you to print to a PDF file that you can then store offline if you wish.
August 21, 2024
We have made an update to the password reset functionality as in rare cases, it may cause a conflict in old vs. new passwords.
We are actively working on a refresh to the appearance of the test results report - and as we have always done in the past, the new format will be automatically applied to your results, even if your test was taken over a decade ago!
April 7, 2024
We have updated some of the visuals in the WEPSS report and are adding more in the very near future. Among the updates are more segregation on the final chart of the report to differentiate between Head, Heart, and Gut styles.
January 21, 2023
An error was fixed wherein a user in a group was shown to have completed their test, when in actuality they had not - but someoe else had used the testcode.
Users who have an active subscription for Consultant Access can now download results for a group, in addition to the generic download of all used testcodes
December 1, 2022
WEPSS now offers those who purchase testcodes in bulk to also download data in bulk.
When you have more than one page of un-used (or used) testcodes, you will see a small download icon to the right of the pagination buttons. Clicking it will start a timestamped download of your testcodes.
Downloads will contain the same categories of data that you can see, however, it will download that data for all of the used (or un-used, depending on which download button you click on) testcodes that you have access to.
No download link will appear if there is less than a full page of data to be shown.
Users who have an active subscription for Consultant Access will also see Key Data Points from the results of each test as well - Type, wing, movement (and Resourceful / Less-Resourceful for each) as well as the two alternate types.
SPECIAL NOTE: Downloaded testcodes will only be ones that you have purchased.
October 19, 2022
Several changes have been made to the WEPSS Test report:
You can now click on links in your test report toview your second and third-highest styles. This effectively provides you three reports for the price of one. Note! The links for alternate types will only be correct in the original report.
Test Results now also include an extended section that outlines how to interpret your WEPSS scores.
We have included a link directly within the report to take you to the contact page, if you have suggestions or questions about your test results. Please be aware that for enneagram analysis, we may suggest that you schedule a direct consult with Dr. Wagner.
Several changes have been made to the WEPSS website.
Your account page now includes a direct link to the contact page for you to offer feedback about the website.
Several minor changes were made to text to enhance readability for several languages.
Pricing has been slightly increased from $12 to $15 for English, Spanish, and German testcodes.
As with all test results, if you have taken the WEPSS test previously but wish to view the new features and functionality, simply log into your account at and view your results - all past test takers benefit from the forever-access to your test results.
September 28, 2022
We have made two small user interface changes:
We have removed the radio buttons and have made the entire "button" clickable on any area of it (previously only the radio button and the text following it was clickable)
We have changed the auto-forward such that when you select an answer, the question disappears, and the next question fades in over half a second, to make it more obvious that you have selected an answer and have been moved to the next question.
July 31, 2022 has been independently re-evaluated by a third-party statistician. We're pleased to share that the statistician has shared with us that the results are still materially the same. We're also beginning work on new functionality that will address any variance seen in your top 3 styles.
May 27, 2022
Starting in June 2022, is going to start removing 'stale' accounts. Specifically, we will remove accounts for which all of the following apply:
The account was registered more than a month ago.
The account has not been used to take any tests.
The account is not a part of a class group for which the expiration date is today or in the future (for more information about class groups, please see Consultant Access).
The account's email address is not associated with any purchased testcodes (either used or unused).
May 12, 2022
As you may already know, manual scoring of the WEPSS is no longer available through WPS. While we cannot support the older "bubble sheet" scoring systems, we do have a spreadsheet-based process you can use, if you're interested. Contact Us for more info!
April 4, 2022
The prior feature that allows immediate access to testcodes if purchased while you are logged in (even if your PayPal email address is not the same as your account email address!) has been extended to also incorporate access to test results.
April 2, 2022
WEPSS pricing has increased to $12 per test for English, Spanish, and German. Danish testcodes will now cost $25 each.
March 16, 2022
Registering for an account now requires that you re-type your email address. We are making this change due to an increase in invalid emails being used for registrations.
March 12, 2022 is now available in German / WEPSS gibt es jetzt auch auf Deutsch!
March 1, 2022
We have completed work on the prior feature - If you are logged in when you make your purchase of one or more testcodes, then your purchase will be immediately available and visible in your account, even if your PayPal email address is not the same as your account's email address.
February 27, 2022
We are working on a method by which purchases made by logged-in users, whose account does NOT use the same email as their PayPal account, will still see those testcodes in their account. This feature is still in development.
February 2, 2022
We have updated the Registration process to incorporate email validation and restricting auto-fill to decrease invalid emails through our system.
If you are a consultant who uses, but you don't use Consultant Access then
your users will have one extra step to go through to register for an account, now.
December 2, 2021
Testcode listings have been simplified:
Testcodes that have been used - either by you, or purchase by you and used by someone else - are shown where previously, we were showing, "These are test codes you have purchased, in descending order of use, with un-used codes at the end. Click on a 'used' code to view the results online:"
Where we used to list, "Tests you have taken, purchased by someone else:", we now show un-used testcodes. If no testcodes have been purchased by you, you'll see a link that will enable you to purchase testcodes immediately."
The "News" function has been updated.
From now on, instead of always blinking blue, news announcements will use rainbow blinking text to draw your attention ONLY if there is something new since you last looked at the News page. After you have visited the news page, the rainbow text will go back to normal text until there has been a new piece of news posted.
July 19, 2021
For consultants who use WEPSS, and have an exceedingly high number of testcodes to scroll through, you can now review those in a paginated format. Please review your account page to try out the and buttons, or use the dropdown between them to go to a specific page.
January 31, 2021
WEPSS test results format has been further updated to add an image at the end of the test report showing your total, resourceful, and less-resourceful percentile values in a chart format to help you visually identify your results. To print this, you may need to specify "print background images" in your printer settings, or else the graphs may not be visible on your printout.
If you've taken the WEPSS test before, you can now view your results, online, to see them in the new format - and, print to a PDF for your own storage, as well!
November 2, 2020
We have updated the WEPSS test results report to incorporate both a revised enneagram image.
New Functionality - September 13, 2020
Test results no longer incorporate actual answers or raw scores, as that was not being used by any users we asked.
Create 'groups' of test-takers, to help avoid assigning the same testcode to more than one person
'Share' your ability to create, see, update, and delete groups of test-takers, with others
Pre-Create user accounts in 'Groups' of test-takers, so you only have to provide them the login link and password
Test-Takers in groups will now see an easy link in their account page to take their test - no need to copy/paste testcodes anymore.
New Functionality - December 1, 2019
WEPSS is now Mobile-Enabled. This incorporates several significant changes that many of you have asked for:
You will now be able to use on mobile devices much easier than before.
The Password Reset button now has a confirmation dialog on it - so if you accidentally click 'password reset' when you mean to log in, you can 'cancel' in the dialog box, and then click the 'log in' button carefully, instead.
When looking at un-used testcodes in your account, there is now a button you can click to copy that testcode to your device's clipboard (for sharing to a customer, student, or friend who you want to be able to take the test)
You can reassign testcode ownership to others, using their email address.
Look for the next to any testcode that you own.
Note that you also have the ability to reassign single testcodes, entire transactions (ie. all 25 if you purchased in bulk), only USED testcodes, only UN-USED testcodes, or, every testcode assigned to you.